Meet my little backyard buddy… Snail chomping, insect eating, slow moving, non-poisonous blue tongue lizard. They must have been up all night thinking what to call this species. He (or she… not too keen to check) was climbing the 18 steps on the stairway to my office. Despite having reached base camp, step 13, it was prudent to redirect George towards greener pastures, namely my horseradish patch. A quick hiss for the camera and into the forest where the not-so-clever-now snails tend to congregate, planning their pre-dusk raid. I will be lulled to sleep tonight to the tune of crunching shells!
Love these little fellows with so many snails in the garden. We have one with a damaged front leg who slowly moves across our back patio and when I see him I pick a couple of snails off the Hosta’s to feed him. I have found him a couple of times looking in our dining room window (at ground level), not sure what he finds so interesting in there but I have photographed him doing so & put the photo on Facebook. Recieved a great response from my friends overseas.
Love your website.