On Friday the 9th of May 2014 the inaugural East Gippsland Salad Trial Days will be held at Bulmer Farms in Lindenow, Victoria. The brief given to the 9 seed companies with trials on display is – we want to see new varieties, new lines and types which will challenge the leafy salad definition.
At the event, Geoff will be preparing salads for all. Seed companies have been asked to provide Geoff with something different, something he can get his teeth stuck into, as well as the normal lines.
A dinner will be held on the Thursday evening with presentations and informal drinks celebrating the conclusion of all our hard work on the Friday evening.
We encourage all planning on attending to book accommodation fast. The trial days are being held in conjunction with the East Gippsland Field days and accommodation in Bairnsdale is at a premium.
A flyer is on its way, but in the meantime enquiries can be made to Noel Jansz at Elders in Bairnsdale on (03) 5152 3037.
Stay tuned to geoffjansz.com for more information.
Hi Geoff,
We look forward to working with you at the field trials. We will send through our recipes shortly, to discuss ideas.
Cheers Rob