Why the Bowral Farmers’ Markets? We were all there; all of us who have worked so hard towards the Geoff Jansz Farm project of “Sow Grow Prepare Share”. Family first: Angela and Tash, the website queens, Russell who is driving me to produce my three best hand-made products, Harry, my Monday and Wednesday farming buddy, Jonny, my taste tester, and lurking in the background, my Mother Val. And wedged in amongst a sea of Janszes was Jacinta who puts things together with me back at the Farm. Even Mara turned up on her day off! The day at the markets was a culmination of everybody’s amazing efforts and belief. We are all local and revelled in an honest days work and participation in a community day out. I highly recommend anyone capable of sustaining a supply of genuine quality locally made/grown foods to seek out their farmers’ markets and participate. It’s a deeply satisfying and potentially financially rewarding experience.
Would you like a deeply personal insight into another reason that I do this? It’s quite selfish, really. When I grow wonderful, interesting produce, then create my very best recipes, nothing, absolutely nothing is more satisfying than having someone stand before me, taste my efforts, roll their eyes with pleasure and say “I definitely want that”. With the other (more lucrative) work I do, consulting for food organisations, or designing kitchens and equipment or creating recipes for other manufacturers, we receive letters of appreciation and often gifts of gratitude (keep them coming). However, as psychopaths like to look into the eyes of their expiring victims, I too thrive on that immediate, visceral, unreserved response to the first taste. So it’s not merely the compliment, nor the potential for an ego boost; it’s vicariously having the pleasure along with every first time taster. Over and over again, like an addict of some kind. Is that normal? Creepy? I really don’t know and equally, don’t mind because at the end of market day, all I ever want to do is plant more seeds and create more wonderful flavours. If there are any psychologists or psychiatrists reading this… “Would you like to try my Roasted Capsicum Jam? It’s a knockout with any cheese. Here, have a taste, I’m sure I’ll… err I mean you’ll just love it.”
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